Ideas To Apps, Fast!
Kyono can help you at each stage in your journey towards an Enterprise Wide Digital Transformation.
Our experts have decades of experience working with clients like you, world over. They help you customise and optimise Cost/Purpose/Time/Quality equation in building great software.
Our specialised Agile approach based on SCRUM ensures you begin to gain the value… FAST!
Kyono is an OutSystems partner, a leader in low-code and multi-experience development platforms having offices in India and Malaysia serving clients globally.

Enterprise Grade, No Limit Development
We develop high-quality enterprise-grade apps, thereby expediting the digital transformation cycle and reducing cost of innovation. We own a team of dedicated OutSystems developers who follow best practices, development, integration, and configuration.

Native Mobile Apps
Our team of dedicated mobile developers can build pixel-perfect UX, secure Native mobile apps with integration to your corporate identity management systems and sophisticated and secure offline experiences

Great UX as standard
Our experienced developers develop visually appealing web and mobile apps for better user engagement, update any specific aspect of your web app and redeploy it.

Our Services

Enterprise Mobility
Give the flexibility to your employees to work from anywhere using mobile and cloud technologies for data access. Enterprise mobility recognizes the need for greater agility brought on by a shift from the traditional central office business model.

OutSystems is the most complete low-code platform for building the enterprise solutions that drive real business value. Visually develop your applications, easily integrate with any system, and change applications with no limits.

Enterprises today need next-generation process management to achieve operational efficiency and contextual user experience. Meet our experts to analyse, design, automate and improve your Business processes

Enterprises today need next-generation process management to achieve operational efficiency and contextual user experience. Meet our experts to analyse, design, automate and improve your Business processes

Drive faster, smarter and consistent business decisions and maximise control over high-volume operational decisions to increase productivity, accuracy and cost savings to the business.
Our Experts Team
Most of our team of outsystems professionals are OutSystems certified at various levels. They are experts in building Traditional, Reactive and Web based apps adhering to the OutSystems best practices and architecture guidelines.