Why the Need for Integration?
The need for software integration happens in many cases, the key aspects are listed below:
1. Merging Different Systems
In a case where an organization may have to exhibit a specific functionality of a business need, which needs for integration various disparate system functionalities aimed at a specific business need.
2. Integrating Legacy Systems with New-age Applications
In the digital transformation process, most companies look for solutions to modernize their legacy systems either by a total transformation of their systems, or by integrating their legacy software systems with modern applications.
The hard case of integration solutions is with legacy airline systems, which can’t take the risk of total digital transformation of their legacy systems, as the case of risk is very high. In this case, airlines legacy systems opt to go for software integration.
3. Need for Multi-Functionality
An HR process could involve integrating multiple functionalities, e.g. HR management system for HR operation, biometric attendance system, payroll module.