About Kyono
Kyō no is a Japanese word, meaning “Today’s”.
Incorporated in April 2018, Kyono lives by its approach for expert, pragmatic, and optimal solutions. This philosophy inspires our workstyle and decision making. Kyono is improvising upon the idea of lean; it invests its time, resources, location and expertise to quickly deliver the products and services for higher profitability and lower costs.
Kyono Consulting was founded to provide end-to-end integrated solutions for Enterprise Applications that needs to leverage today’s demands of mobility, integrations and analytics. We are experts in Business Process Management (ideation to implementation), Enterprise Mobility Management and Cloud based offerings, among others. Moreover, our services in the Business Rule Management System (BRMS) help clients to bring the much needed agility and resilience. We enable our clients to understand and automate decisions with unparalleled speed, accuracy and complete transparency which fosters increased productivity and growth in revenue.
The driving force behind Kyono Consulting is an eclectic bunch of young and highly experienced professionals in the Software Industry. Kyono boasts of a team whose members have worked with and for companies of various sizes including the ones in the Fortune 500’s list, globally.
Kyono Consulting, hence, is the right choice to derive value TODAY and remain effective Tomorrow.